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kdrae log
Nocturne Log - Art at Night Oct 27, 2023 logs & responses About Halifax's Nocturne public art festival at night, and my experience delivering soup to artists. Week 7 - Part 2 - the unbuilding game Aug 27, 2023 logs & making & research This log is a continuation of Week 7 - Part 1 - message in a bottle, where I talk about some of the work that came out of my class *Embodied Research*. Week 7 - Part 1 - message in a bottle Aug 27, 2023 logs & making & research The wrap up of my summer course and some of the things I've made, including jello experiments and making an edible board game. Week 6 - The life and times of rocks Aug 14, 2023 logs & research a DIY concrete-everything house, a human-scale camera obscura, and millions-year-old rock formations on the Bay of Fundy. Week 4 + 5 - gardens and other living places Aug 5, 2023 logs & research I'm back with another report from the past couple of weeks: a studio visit to Angella Parson's, a quick stop at Kejimkujik Park, the Alexander Graham Bell Museum and finally the Fortress of Louisbourg in Cape Breton. I'll share some things that are still lingering in me. Week 3 - connections, agency, and traces Jul 25, 2023 logs & research Hope you’ve been well! Nova Scotia got an absolute deluge of rain over the weekend, but thankfully we didn’t experience any flooding– and are Week 2 - the cloud under the water Jul 16, 2023 logs & research Exploring the physicality of internet: undersea cables that wrap the globe Week 1 - Embodied Research Jul 9, 2023 logs & research Hello! It’s been a bit since I’ve written here. A lot has been happening in life, and I’m excited to share what that is, and mark the start a new Water as a Gift - Making of - Post-Mortem Part 1 Apr 5, 2023 making & project Part 1 of a retrospective look at the successes and failings in the making of my kinetic installation project. Log 11 - Manifesto Mar 22, 2023 logs & teaching & making In one of my classes recently we introduced this idea of manifestos (which I was excited about, because I’ve been slowly collecting them for a Log 10 - Making a decision Mar 5, 2023 logs I had to make a big decision at the beginning of this month: where I would go to school for my Master's. Log 9 - A trip to the gallery Feb 25, 2023 logs & responses & drawing & teaching A zine about a trip to the gallery and illustrating my experience Notes - Cool Museums and Hot Museums Feb 20, 2023 responses Selected quotes and short notes from a book about museology and museums Log 8 - reportage drawing Feb 17, 2023 logs & drawing & teaching In one of the classes I’ve been teaching this term we introduced the illustration ‘genre’ of reportage. What is reportage drawing? Reportage is Log 7 - three old guys Feb 8, 2023 logs & responses The past week we were looking at artistic/creative influences in class and discussing them. Perhaps (probably) related, I’ve been looking back to Log 6 - gesture drawings Feb 5, 2023 logs & drawing I've been doing some figure drawing gestures recently as a warm up (or just the main event) when I sit down to draw. Log 5 - on drawing, three ways from three books Feb 4, 2023 logs & drawing & responses This is a work-in-progress post. I’d like to come back and tend to this as I go. In the meantime, you’re welcome to explore whatever is here so far. Log 4 - teaching, journal response project, visualizing time Jan 29, 2023 logs & responses & teaching This semester I’m teaching and helping build (in real time) a new course for the third-year curriculum in the Illustration program. It’s called Log 3 - Noguchi and I’s letters Jan 22, 2023 logs & responses I was reading Isamu Noguchi: A Sculptor’s World this morning and came across part of his biography where he was applying to the then newly-founded Log 2 - Rolling Stone update, teaching, rest, going to the library Jan 21, 2023 logs & teaching To give an update on what I was writing about in my last (first) log, I did end up finishing the Rolling stone gallery– at least, a demo version. I Next page