In the studio this afternoon — trying, trying, trying to get there more frequently — and thinking about:
studio practices — what are ‘practices’, habits or tools that I can turn to in order to help me continue moving forward?
(‘daily’ logs being one of them)
sorting/organizing recent ideas; I’ve been bouncing between sketchbook-ing visual ideas and filtering through all the things I’ve been reading/listening to
what are the things I can / am taking steps in doing and making? — I’ve been in a cycle of thinking, reflecting, reading and writing… which has been good, but I’m also feeling impatient and like I need to begin bringing these ideas out of the mind / off the page and into ‘reality’ (be that physical or virtual)
Studio Practices
Drawing Practice — marks on paper; use the cheap printer paper and move a pen/pencil over it. Toss it at the end if you’d like. The goal is to reorient your thoughts onto the paper surface.
Writing Practice — words describing ideas; journal in book or write / log in Blot Obsidian. It’s okay to write imperfectly, and to leave it ‘unfinished’. The goal is to order thoughts through the linear progression of text.
Material Practice — verbs applied to material; involved other materials / media in transformative processes. Use hands, ideally. Hold the thing. Play with objects and processes. The goal is to engage the body in transforming something, without needing a ‘plan’.
Logs — try ‘daily’ Obsidian note, doesn’t need to be full sentences. This feeds into:
Documentation — photos and snippets of experiment results, as well as research journey ‘trail markers’ or ‘blazes’.
Tape it up — tape up the thing on the wall
This documenting thing is a delicate balance. I feel like I’m always — and I obviously feel more comfortable in doing, or have a bias towards — drawing/writing/logging without the actual doing/making of the thing.
There are a number of projects that I keep coming back to, that haven’t really seen the light of day yet:
DIY Cables — sections of cables made out of different materials…
Graphics of cross sections of cables
The pentacell battery thing
swallow nest network
3D printing the cable globe
copper mirror polishing itself
eels as lines between points
how long is an eel? 16 - 30 in
vacuum-formed pool in frame stand
Stumbled onto this Japanese artist, Rikuo Ueda, while trying to find a different one. He has created a series of works of ‘wind drawings’. Seems like he attaches pen to a branch and a piece of paper to another nearby, and lets the movement of the tree in the wind create a drawing. Also created this structure, which is interesting:
Also a series of these objects in white frame cubes:
This spare frame is something I keep coming back to in my sketchbook, too. I’m not sure why. Perhaps comes from the picture frame + a third dimension. Or like the default scene in Blender, with the cube.
In the process, also visited artist website that shows you the routing of the data: