
2024-09-23 Log - 9 projects

In the studio trying to catch up and organize my thoughts on what I’ve been doing recently. I’ve been trying to conceptualise what could possibly be a part of my thesis body of work — I sketched out these notes for the different projects:

Fyke Net

(previous prototyping)

Recent ideas: utilise entrances/exits in Galleries 2 and 3 of The Anna, create structures that invert notions of ‘inside’ and ‘outside’ spaces.


(previous prototyping)

Recent ideas: aluminum connects with Edison’s early phonographs and ‘recording’ sound. Had thought to do away with the literal form of the eel, and instead incporate ‘message in a bottle’ as concept. Unsure about how successful this idea will be, aesthetically. Had thought about sealing vessels of saltwater w/ wax sheets (which I could embed something in), or incorporate mirrored acrylic in tops/below the bottles



Recently pitched an idea for a website that would incorporate tidal times and the ‘message in a bottle’ again: I was also researching solarpowered servers again. But in essence: glass eels + eel knots + server hardware ‘cloud’. Some material sketches:


(previous prototypes)

Not much new stuff; had wondered about projecting visuals down onto the floor and the sculptures, which they would then effect through capacitive touch



Finally built one of these minnow traps! Then had a breakthrough, thinking about putting a small ‘lure’ (artwork) beneath/behind them, that would ‘trap’ a viewer’s attention.

Also had thought about small ‘copper plate’ etchings from PCB blank copper boards.



I keep noticing celltower transceivers — they also remind me of the wooden structure part of the mini fyke net I made. Thinking about making my own as kind of lightbox objects…



Keep thinking about Shelby’s (<3) article about tracery, komorebi, or sunlight filtering through tree leaves and the process of tracerouting (as in the path the data packets travel to get to and from servers) and stained glass.

Sensing Device

(previous prototype)



This is actually a piece for the upcoming show I’m curating, Surface Tension, with Sarah Sears. It was born out of the fyke net idea, combined with my previous work, Untitled (Windows). I’ve been working on designing it the most, this past week.

The idea is to have a series of split curtains hanging in the hallway that you move through to get to the gallery. Two projections play on either side of the installation, one video of the water’s surface above, and one video of the water’s surface below. I’d like to have a parabolic speaker with water sounds playing in the middle, that you pass through.

I’m pretty concerned about whether this is even possible with the gallery, because of concerns around emergency exits/fireroutes and safety issues. I feel like this isn’t a big ask, but I still need to talk with the gallery admin.

Up next 2024-07-30 Log Had a thought this morning about this image — I had bookmarked it earlier for my thesis publication, was attracted to the idea of text written on 2024-09-23 Log - Joinery I wanted to follow up on progress made designing my little word-association ‘game’. I actually debuted it as Joinery at the Dartmouth Comic Arts
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